Isle of Capri Virtual Walk - Available as a DVD or HD Download

Take a 50 minute Virtual Walk on the Isle of Capri! This Treadmill Scenery DVD begins in the picturesque town of Anacapri, set atop the famous island. Avoiding the main tourist trail through the center of town, you strike off on your own and walk down a small street lined with shops and intimate sidewalk cafes. After passing Santa Sofia, the main church of Anacapri, you enter the residential section where the locals reside.
Venturing on past homes of the locals and dodging several motor scooters, the path eventually narrows and begins to hug the side of the cliff, with the blue Mediterranean Sea stretching out below you. Some of the most spectacular scenery awaits you along the walkway ahead. Your Treadmill Virtual Walk ends after exploring the grounds of the summer home of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, overlooking the sea.
"A Day in Capri," a bonus chapter with a 10-minute featurette which takes a different look at the Isle of Capri, is also included on this DVD (But not on the HD Download)! Accompanied by beautiful music, the bonus chapter can be used as a cool-down from your exercise session, or as a beautiful stand-alone Italian travel video. You'll take a leisurely look at the little town of Capri and some of its exclusive shops. You'll also take a closer look at the town of Anacapri and some of its most scenic locales.
So much beauty on such a small island! The featurette begins at the seaside Marina Grande, where visitors first land on the Isle of Capri. (Watch carefully for a famous TV comedy series star and his wife as they walk in front of the TV camera.) From scenic vistas to closeups of flowers, you'll enjoy the bonus chapter, "A Day in Capri."
Filmed in Widescreen.
Available as either a DVD for $14.99 or HD Download for $6.99 by clicking on "Links" - above left.
Click on "Watch Video Clips" - under "Links" to view samples from this Video.